PNW fine art photography | founder of OregonExplored
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Wednesday, October 31, 2018
You can always count on the sky to tell the truth about what's coming #LongLakeTrail #BrainardLake #RooseveltNationalForest #Colorado
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I stood here early in the summer. It was as good a place as any to begin #PittockMansion #Portland #MultnomahCounty #Oregon #OregonExplored
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Tuesday, October 30, 2018
I sat on a bench by the river and listened to the hum of truck tires on grooved steel. And the wind #HoodRiver #HoodRiverCounty #Oregon #OregonExplored
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It may have been the ugliest mountain I've ever met. And I will not forget it. #GapRoad #Colorado
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Monday, October 29, 2018
A place that makes you want to go outdoors. And run #GapRoad #Colorado
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If you ask politely and wait patiently, some trees will tell you which way the wind blows. #LongLakeTrail #BrainardLake #RooseveltNationalForest #Colorado
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Sunday, October 28, 2018
Standing beneath a stand of trees on a sunny summer day, I rock back and forth, trying to catch a glint of light in the branches #4TTrail #Portland #MultnomahCounty #Oregon #OregonExplored
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The seasons come and go too quickly #SaddleMountain #ClatsopCounty #Oregon #OregonExplored
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Saturday, October 27, 2018
Light and water are enough #LatourellFalls #MultnomahCounty #Oregon #OregonExplored
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I think this side of the building is supposed to be the entrance. But it did not feel like a place of welcome. And there were no people #KPOF #PillarofFire #Denver #DenverCounty #Colorado
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Friday, October 26, 2018
A clean path down a darkened corridor of trees isn't much to look at - but the feeling! #LongLakeTrail #BrainardLake #RooseveltNationalForest #Colorado
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I've driven by this place nearly half a dozen times. Twice now, I've seen people there #Donald #MarionCounty #Oregon #OregonExplored
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Thursday, October 25, 2018
If you hike uphill from Guy Talbot State Park, instead of parking at the waterfall, you get up close and personal with the creek. And this bridge #LatourellFalls #MultnomahCounty #Oregon #OregonExplored
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I like to hike uphill #WallowaMountains #WallowaCounty #Oregon #OregonExplored
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Wednesday, October 24, 2018
I hiked Saddle Mountain in the late spring. This meadow was one of my favorite surprises #SaddleMountain #ClatsopCounty #Oregon #OregonExplored
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We walked through the town, up and down its steep hills, and admired the buildings #stjamesmethodistchurch #CentralCity #GilpinCounty #Colorado
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Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Sometimes, it's more interesting to watch people looking over a landscape than it is to look over a landscape. #SpokaneFalls #Spokane #SpokaneCounty #Washington #WashingtonExplored
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Spider structures are one of my favorite trail details - delicate, ordered, and a focal point for flora I might otherwise take for granted #WallowaMountains #WallowaCounty #Oregon #OregonExplored
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Monday, October 22, 2018
Some trails make it hard to get lost - they know exactly where they want to take you #SaddleMountain #ClatsopCounty #Oregon #OregonExplored
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There's a clean piece of rock on the top of that hill. I'd like to sit there #GapRoad #Colorado
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Sunday, October 21, 2018
A rise of earth behind a thickening of trees #LongLakeTrail #BrainardLake #RooseveltNationalForest #Colorado
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Tree covered ridge lines are my favorite #ColumbiaGorge #Mosier #WascoCounty #Oregon #Oregonexplored
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Saturday, October 20, 2018
I sat on a log and breathed in this moment while considering, not just how it felt to be there, but how best to share it with others who couldn't be there with me #LongLakeTrail #BrainardLake #RooseveltNationalForest #Colorado
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It's the little things #LatourellFalls #MultnomahCounty #Oregon #OregonExplored
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Friday, October 19, 2018
That bank of white clouds, this water, the spit of land #NetartsBay #TillamookCounty #Oregon #OregonExplored
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Breakfast is also my favorite #LongLakeTrail #BrainardLake #RooseveltNationalForest #Colorado
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Thursday, October 18, 2018
It's hard to explain the sound - how it feels #SpokaneFalls #Spokane #SpokaneCounty #Washington #WashingtonExplored
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When I was a child, all the Oregon beaches seemed the same to me. It's only now, years later, that I've started getting to know them as individuals - like friends #ShortSands #OswaldWestStatePark #Oregon
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Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Just a pile of cooled lava, I guess. But it's something to see just the same #SaddleMountain #ClatsopCounty #Oregon
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Sometimes I want to see things better, get some perspective. Mountain trails are good for such times #WallowaMountains #WallowaCounty #Oregon
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Tuesday, October 16, 2018
There's always another stand of trees to step through. There's always another scene, waiting for you to enter and maybe stay awhile #LatourellFalls #MultnomahCounty #Oregon
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I really like this view #VistaHouse #CrownPoint #MultnomahCounty #Oregon
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Monday, October 15, 2018
A lone tree always catches my eye, suggests what it is to survive. But these trees, standing together, say something about the kind of life I want to live #LongLakeTrail #BrainardLake #RooseveltNationalForest #Colorado
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Downtown is where you see the ways the years have added up to make a place what it is #Denver #DenverCounty #Colorado
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Sunday, October 14, 2018
I suspect that most of the year this meadow is covered with snow or saturated with cold water, so this boardwalk has a practical purpose. But its shape seemed to make both a demand and a promise. Keep going. Just a little bit farther. #LongLakeTrail #BrainardLake #RooseveltNationalForest #Colorado
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Every place should have a guardian mountain #PittockMansion #Portland #MultnomahCounty #Oregon
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Saturday, October 13, 2018
A friend told me I should hike this mountain for the incredible views. But there were clouds on the day that I went. And I think that was better. #SaddleMountain #ClatsopCounty #Oregon
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This little guy made a big noise and didn't seem to mind my waiting and watching while he worked #LongLakeTrail #BrainardLake #RooseveltNationalForest #Colorado
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Friday, October 12, 2018
The gathering clouds changed the shape of the light, and this view of the lake bid me stop for a minute or two and think about what it means to be alive #LongLakeTrail #BrainardLake #RooseveltNationalForest #Colorado
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One pigeon thinking of joining three others. I waited to see what kind of welcome he would receive #SpokaneFalls #Spokane #SpokaneCounty #Washington
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Thursday, October 11, 2018
I lived in Idaho for 14 years, and as much as I love Oregon, I think often about this view #PayetteLake #McCall #Idaho
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Light is forever focusing my attention, making me look, drawing me forward #4TTrail #Portland #MultnomahCounty #Oregon
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Wednesday, October 10, 2018
This old house gives me a certain kind of feeling every time I stop at the park across the road #GuyWTalbotStatePark #MultnomahCounty #Oregon
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Just another red barn, a white house, green fields, and distant blue mountains #Enterprise #WallowaCounty #Oregon
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Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Some places simultaneously look like they've long been abandoned and still feel like welcome #GapRoad #Colorado
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There's something about these rocks, that sky, this water #Oceanside #TillamookCounty #Oregon
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Monday, October 8, 2018
The horizon doesn't seem to follow consistent rules - some places make it seem impossibly distant and small #ChanticleerPoint #CrownPoint #VistaHouse #ColumbiaGorge #MultnomahCounty #Oregon
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The light gently warmed the interior of this building #ColoradoStateCapitol #Denver #DenverCounty #Colorado
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Sunday, October 7, 2018
At this point on the trail, we stopped on a bridge to look at the water - there was a storm coming in #LongLakeTrail #BrainardLake #RooseveltNationalForest #Colorado
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Some churches look like places of sanctuary. Others appear to be networks of surveillance #KPOF #PillarofFire #Denver #DenverCounty #Colorado
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